Ruqaya Munther J Ewadh
Department of virology, University of Babylon, Babylon, IraqPublications
Review Article
Survey study for hepatitis HAV and HBV in different ages and gender in hilla city
Author(s): Ruqaya Munther J Ewadh*, Ameer AAbd alhussin and Samah Ahmed Kadhum
In developing countries, including Iraq, liver disease virus infection is a severe health issue. The spread of the disease is triggered by various things. In Hilla's area of control / land area (39 cases from 2257 obtained positive results for HBsAg test, most infections in February), the current research was very skillful to devise (a number) of viral liver diseases A and B infections. The study found that infections with the liver disease B virus were more male (51%) than female (49 percent). The highest number of HBVs among people in the 3 age groups (a big change in numbers that means something important) (p > 0.05)... Read More»