The Role of the Family Dynamic in Addiction: Trigger and Psychotherapeutic Ally
Author(s): Jihene Mrabet*Introduction: What narcissistic foundations can we hope for when a child is born? What future hope for the evolution of his subjectivity prey to a fantasy experience of submission, domination and affective ambivalence? What place to seek for in a family dynamic that rise the older brother to the omnipotent status? What recourse to adopt in order to survive the destructiveness of internal objects, threatening and barring the road to the hallucinatory realization of the desire.
Methods: These are the questions we asked ourselves when we encountered the Addiction; When we encountered Miss A in our office and started running a psychodynamic therapy.
Results: The importance of object relation in addiction was highlighted through the therapeutical process. Indeed, deficient maternal countenance, distorted oedipal structure, incestual and fratricidal unconscious desires play a fundamental role into drug addiction.
Discussion and Conclusion: Object relations precarities may expose the teenager to substance abuse and a deeper interest on the precocious family relationships would enhance the understanding of addiction and therefore a more efficient therapeutically approach.