
ISSN: 1935-1232 (P)

ISSN: 1941-2010 (E)



Program Development Meets Theory Development: MBGT-i for Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
Author(s): Killorin Riddell* and Monty Clouse

Kanas (1996) meta-analysis finds that group therapy for SSOPD is effective when it combines education, psychodynamic, and interpersonal components. Mentalization-Based Group Therapy-interactional (MBGT-i) is a new suggested practice of this integrative model. Participants in a mentalization-based group therapy program are assessed pre- and post-intervention according to responses on RFQ 8 and staff measures of social competence. Program evaluation case study proposes that both clients’ affective responses and clients’ mentalizing in social interactions will increase as a result of MBGT-i sessions. Obtained quantitative results are in the predicted direction, but not at statistically significant levels. Findings of proposed hypotheses indicate that the model instills in participants an attachment to the group purpose of improving social understanding.